Welcome to the 4th in the Which One Doesnt Belong -Islamic Geometric Pattern Edition. This time I fancied a but of self indulgence, with all the art work being my own, so thank you me!
How DOES it work? There are multiple different & correct ways of choosing which one doesn't belong: As long as you can justify your choice... it's correct! "SAY WHAT YOU SEE". From the simplest to the most complicated reason...the pattern, the paper, the colour, the shapes & symmetries!
So much to help you "see" and decide which one doesnt belong!
Comment your choice & the reason OR like/vote for someone else's choice & reason.
Thanks for joining in with the 4rd in this weekly Wednesdays #WODB IGP series. Back again next week!
p.s I havent posted the answers given for week 3... I say go visit the post instead!:
